Artwork by Android Jones

Artwork by Android Jones

Artwork by Roldolphe Parfait, (a.k.a. nooSens)

LED Lighting by Joshua Hubert / PIXELDELICS

Consciousness Time Travel Audio Journey Technology stations utilize binaural beats, sound FX, & voice guidance to “fly” your consciousness into new dimensions! by Jonathan Yudis (a.k.a. Cosmic Cowboy)

NEW Interior with interactive Ultra Violet Environment coming in 2017.

Burning Man 2016: Da Vinci’s Workshop. Black Rock City. NV
5th Annual Steampunk Masquerade | Under the Big Top, Alameda, CA. (PHOTOS WILL BE POSTED SOON)

Bay Area Maker Faire, 2017. San Mateo, CA. (PHOTOS WILL BE POSTED SOON)